Game Changer Program FAQs


Why don’t I have to count or restrict calories? I thought that was the only way?

You thought that because we medical providers told you that metabolic health and weight loss was a simple “math problem.” Too many calories going in and not enough going out. Eat less and exercise more. And we were terribly wrong. On behalf of the medical community, I want to apologize to you right now for that. And I will make up for it by teaching you why it is wrong, and how to eat in a way that allows you to fill up with food to your satisfaction at mealtimes without having a math degree. No more calorie counting, EVER!

This is a one year program. What if I haven’t lost all my weight or met 100% of my goals by the time I finish the program?

My goal is to teach you enough about how your body and brain work that you will be able to successfully carry on without me for the rest of your life, managing your best metabolic health on your own.

You will learn all that you need to know, and you can take as long as you want to learn it. There is no time limit to finishing the course, and the 14 coaching sessions can be spread out over that year at whatever pace feels comfortable to you. That being said, I completely understand how useful it is to continue to work closely with someone, to have the accountability, the support, and the community at your side indefinitely.

As a benefit to having taken my program, you have options: you can sign up for the ongoing support subscription at just $10.00 per month, which includes continued email communication with me, new material as it is released, plus discounted coaching appointments whenever you want to sign up. Even if you are not a subscription member, you can sign up for Ad Hoc coaching appointments whenever you wish. With either choice, there is no obligation of a long-term commitment. How long you want my support, and how often, is completely up to YOU.

You will get the “Monday Motivation” weekly email, which will be full of exceptional tips, advice, recipe ideas and stories.

Do I have to eat special foods or buy supplements?


How is this program different from other programs?

I work with you on both your “Bodyset” and your “Mindset.”

Bodyset: “The body’s function when given a physical task.”

Mindset: “The brain’s attitude when given a task.”

Our work together will help you understand your own physiology, and it will help your body to cooperate fully with attaining your goals. Your physiology will change! Did you even know that was possible?

During coaching, you and I will also look at how your brain is currently helping you achieve your results, even if you don’t like those results, and how to help your brain achieve new results that promote your health differently. Yes! That is possible too!

Together, we will harness your body’s natural physiological function in a way that gives you the results you want. No more fighting against an unwilling body! I understand the physiology, and I am an expert both personally and professionally in the topic of metabolic health, weight loss and diabetes. Insulin is the “fat storage” hormone and until you can lower your insulin levels, you cannot access your fat stores for fuel or get your blood sugars normalized. There are very specific ways of eating, both in terms of frequency and timing as well as the food choices you might make, that reverse the insulin resistance. I help my clients learn about how their bodies work, and then get their metabolically-related hormones working FOR them instead of AGAINST them.

It is all good and well to know HOW to do something, but our brains can get in the way of actually doing it! You can ELIMINATE habits, urges, cravings, compulsions and desires which interfere with your ability to change. You can alter your brain chemistry! I understand the neuroscience and will guide you through this process.

Lastly, how we think is the lens through which we see the world, and how we think ultimately creates our results in life. I can help you see how your thinking is currently creating your results, results you may not want (obesity and diabetes, for instance). I will help you establish and achieve your goals. This is highly personal work, and incredibly important to your long-term success.

What happens if I decide not to lose the weight or improve my health? (please don’t read the answer to this question if you are squeamish about medical problems….I am a Nurse Practitioner and I tell it straight, accurately and honestly. No sugar-coating the truth here.)

  • Both obesity and insulin resistance are chronic inflammatory conditions causing body pain and fatigue, and as time goes by you will likely have more of both. Have you ever wondered why you hurt so much, and yet you have no specific diagnosis as to why? Your medical provider has probably never said it straight to you: “It’s because you are insulin resistant, and you are carrying extra fat. Obesity and insulin resistance are both highly inflammatory.”

  • If you have insulin resistance, pre-diabetes or diabetes, it will get worse as you get older. Eventually you will likely need medication, and as time goes on you will need more medication, often ending in taking daily insulin, and then both daily and mealtime insulin. Medications do nothing to stop diabetes from progressing, they just treat the symptom of elevated blood sugars. Has your medical provider ever let you know that VERY important fact? That the medications they are prescribing are only treating a symptom, not the cause? That you will need ever more medication as time goes by?

  • Your risk of the obesity-related cancers will increase (uterine, breast, colon, and more). Did you know these cancers are closely related to obesity and high insulin levels?

  • You will be more likely to develop fatty liver, a liver disease caused by insulin resistance, obesity, and eating too often. Fatty liver can lead to liver cirrhosis (the same as if you were an alcoholic) which can eventually lead to death.

  • You are at high risk of developing gallstones, requiring surgery to remove the gallbladder.

  • You may have sleep apnea, which can lead to high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack and death. This can be cured with weight loss in most people.

  • As you age, you are more likely to suffer from painful arthritis, which is much more severe and progressive when you are overweight and/or have diabetes.

  • Even if you are taking medication to control your blood sugars, you can develop nerve damage in the legs and feet, causing chronic pain as the diabetes gets worse over time.

  • You are at increasingly higher risk of stroke and heart attack related to the chronic blood vessel inflammation caused by obesity. If you are diabetic, medical providers just make the assumption that you already have heart disease because it is virtually guaranteed to be true.

  • If you are diabetic, you can lose part or all of your vision from the blood vessel damage in your eyes. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in our country.

  • Diabetics can develop gangrene in the legs and feet from the poor wound healing and blood vessel damage caused by diabetes. If that happens, you have to have surgery to remove the foot or leg.

  • Diabetics often develop kidney failure due to damage related to higher blood sugars, and you could require dialysis for the rest of your life.

  • You are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease if you are insulin resistant and/or diabetic - Alzheimer’s is now called “type 3 diabetes!”

  • Your risk of death from Covid-19 is greatly increased if you are insulin resistant, and the risk is even higher if you also carry extra weight.

  • You are much more likely to have asthma as an adult, caused by obesity.

  • If you are diabetic, you will spend increasingly large amounts of money every year buying medications in an effort to control your blood sugars as the disease gets worse. You will also spend money on the medical care required to deal with the complications related to having obesity and/or diabetes.

  • And so. Much. More.

Do you struggle with Binge-Eating? There’s help for you right here! For some people, binge-eating is the source of their insulin resistance and their diabetes risk. If binge-eating is a problem for you, start your journey through recovery from that first.

You have absolutely nothing to lose, (except the diabetes risk and maybe some extra weight!). What are you waiting for?

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