“Intermittent Fasting is a FAD!”
Never thought you would try Intermittent Fasting?
I didn’t either, so I understand the reservations. I was in the exact same mindset a few years ago.
And 99 pounds ago.
Here are some of the things I either said to myself before trying IF, or heard others say:
If I don’t eat every few hours, I feel terrible – sweaty, lightheaded, shaky, headache, weak and grouchy. I could not possibly try intermittent fasting!
But you don’t understand! I am otherwise healthy without underlying health problems, but I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia by a doctor and I have to eat every 2 hours to keep my blood sugar up.
I take medication for my diabetes and the Diabetic Educator told me I had to eat 3 meals and two snacks daily in order to control my blood sugars.
I will be weak and tired if I skip a meal!
I thought breakfast was the most important meal of the day!
I’ve heard my metabolism will go down and I will lose muscle. I don’t want that.
People will judge me and say I shouldn’t do this and I will be embarrassed and won’t know what to say.
My doctor does not believe in intermittent fasting and tells me it is a “fad.”
These are all thoughts, and none of them are true.
Want the details? Read the entire article!
You may never look back.